Skeletal German Shepherd is Reportedly Chained Without Food, Water, or Shelter in Pinamar, Uruguay!

PETA has just been alerted to a distressing situation that is reportedly taking place in Pinamar, Uruguay. Allegedly, two German shepherds have been perpetually tethered in the yard of a home on Calle 66 in Manzana 47 without adequate food, water, or shelter. Alarmingly, one of the dogs reportedly died on February 20, believed by witnesses to have been a result of starvation and dehydration. The surviving dog is still allegedly emaciated, chained, and without food, water, or true shelter. PETA has contacted local animal control, as well as several animal assistance organizations in the area, but we have not received a response.

This photograph was reportedly taken at the property on February 20. It features a German shepherd who is so thin that virtually his entire spine is clearly visible.

Please contact the Mayor of Canelones (the municipality of Pinamar) and INBA (the local animal control agency) urging them to intervene swiftly. Remember to keep all correspondence polite and professional, as rude comments will hinder our efforts.

Mayor Luis Marcelo Metediera Vidal

Instituto Nacional de Bienestar Animal (INBA)

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