The comment period is now closed. Thank you to all who took action! We’ll keep you updated.
Update (November 27, 2023): Unfortunately, decisionmakers at Oglebay Resort apparently decided to move forward with the deer slaughter, despite our best efforts to persuade them to consider humane alternatives. Please continue to contact Oglebay’s management asking that they do better in the future and that they discourage the feeding of deer and any other wildlife … Read more »
Tell Canadian officials to follow the U.S.’ lead and immediately shut down the monkey-importation trade in Canada.
PETA has asked representatives at Landmark Recovery of Las Vegas to abandon poisoning initiatives, but we are being ignored. Please politely urge management to remove any avicides immediately.
Ask Barn Hill Preserve to recognize that animals deserve better than to be used as selfie spectacles, end all animal encounters, and send the animals to reputable facilities where they could get the expert care they desperately need.
Please encourage Palace Station not to host events like the American Mink Exchange auction!
Urge Hi Fly and Bluebird Nordic to stop sending monkeys to their certain deaths in laboratories.
Please send a polite e-mail to your members of Congress urging them to mandate that NIH stop throwing away taxpayer money on cruel, useless animal experiments and instead focus on modern, non-animal research methods.
What the USDA found at Blue Ridge Kennel will make you see red. But its response afterward will make your blood boil.
Urge the Nevis Island ministry to investigate the conditions for the pigs and require changes where possible.
Oregon Health & Science University is stuck in the past as other schools advance. Here’s how you can urge it to switch to training methods that actually save lives.
After thousands of e-mails and phone calls from PETA supporters, snakes won’t be used at this event in Oklahoma.
Speak out on behalf of these dogs again by contacting the Cass County prosecuting attorney and requesting that charges be considered.
Please contact officials and urge them to keep the dogs safe in custody, as is provided for by Florida Statutes Title XLVI, Chapter 828.073, and ask them to confiscate any additional animals brought into the home.