Pledge Never to Go to a Circus That Uses Animals

Big cats and other animals suffer when they are tormented and abused by circuses.

Speak Out Against Goldfish Giveaways!

Please join PETA in urging Wade Shows, Inc., to implement a policy against ALL animal giveaways.

Pledge to Go Vegan!

Looking to make a small change that will have a big impact? Look no further than our vegan pledge!

Video: Animals Bashed, Frozen Alive, Drowned, and Starved at Dealer

Witnesses found animals—many sick and injured—crammed into filthy bins, hungry, thirsty, and denied adequate care. Many were “whacked” or died in floods. Help now!

Urge Three Bears General Store’s Owner to Send Bears to a Reputable Sanctuary

Join us in urging Mr. DeLozier to send the bears who are suffering at Three Bears General Store to a reputable sanctuary!

Victory: Pig Slaughterhouse Closing After PETA Exposé!

A slaughterhouse cited by the federal government after being recorded jabbing and electro-shocking mother pigs will shut its doors. Other pigs still need your help!

Exposed: Tyson Workers Torturing Birds, Urinating on Slaughter Line

Please write to KFC and Tyson Foods to stop this hideous abuse.

Mother Pigs and Piglets Abused by Hormel Supplier

Undercover Investigation Reveals Hormel Supplier’s Abuse of Mother Pigs and Piglets

Undercover Investigation Reveals Cows Suffer for Land O’Lakes

Demand that Land O’Lakes implement and enforce a 12-point animal welfare plan to govern all cooperative members’ dairy-farming operations, which will eliminate some of the worst abuses to cows raised for their milk.

The Hidden Lives of Australian Sheep

If you think it’s “just a haircut,” prepare to be floored.

© We Animals / Jo-Anne McArthur
17 Reasons to Pass on Turkey This Year

Three hundred million turkeys are dying for you to see this.

VICTORY for Nosey in Texas!

Nosey was spared a week of exhausting and painful circus performances!

The World Vegan Month Video You Need to See

A baby was stolen from his mother. It turned out to be just a bad dream, but what really happens is a nightmare.

Tell AAA to Stop Supporting SeaWorld

Please ask AAA to do the right thing and stop supporting SeaWorld!

VICTORY for Nosey in Oklahoma!

Nosey’s appearance with a circus in Oklahoma City has been canceled!

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