PETA visited angora farms in China deemed “humane” by third-party auditors and discovered suffering, neglect, and cruelty beyond imagination.
Please urge the Florida Department of Education to honor its word and stop promoting SeaWorld’s cruel confinement of marine mammals!
Have you ever wondered what it would take for a company that supplies wool to retailers around the world to cut ties with a farm it had trusted for years?
Video from a “humane farm” shows pigs having to stand or sit on each other in a severely crowded truck bound for slaughter. Ask Whole Foods to stop misleading people!
Join PETA in asking UniverSoul to eliminate all cruel animal acts from its performances!
Eyewitness video shows workers plunging knives into the throats of conscious lambs and starting to skin them while they’re still alive and moving. Help sheep now!
Thank you to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority for its compassionate action and to everyone who spoke out about this issue!
Lions in central and western Africa will now be listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act.
Please tell Victoria’s Secret that cruelty isn’t sexy and that you won’t buy its products until the company is 100 percent cruelty-free again.
Please stand up for animals suffering in UTMB’s laboratories by urging Shriners International to stop funding burn experiments at the university.
Urge your legislators to co-sponsor bills which would prevent horse slaughter in the U.S. and end the transport of American horses to slaughterhouses in Canada, Japan, and Mexico.
Thank you to everyone who spoke out and to the community association for its compassionate decision to cancel this activity!
Our investigator saw workers botch the slaughter of alligators. Some animals were still conscious, flailing and kicking, even minutes after workers tried to kill them.
Thanks to everyone who responded to this alert and to all the agencies involved for their decisive action!
The school announced that it is suspending its cat dissection program!