PETA’s Investigation Inside Japanese Horse Slaughterhouse

Urge your legislators to co-sponsor bills which would prevent horse slaughter in the U.S. and end the transport of American horses to slaughterhouses in Canada, Japan, and Mexico.

UPDATE: Maryland Community Pool Cancels ‘Goldfish Swim’!

Thank you to everyone who spoke out and to the community association for its compassionate decision to cancel this activity!

Exposed: Crocodiles and Alligators Factory-Farmed for Hermès ‘Luxury’ Goods

Our investigator saw workers botch the slaughter of alligators. Some animals were still conscious, flailing and kicking, even minutes after workers tried to kill them.

© ITN Source/Reuters 2009
UPDATE: Deer at Flooded Game Ranch Now on Dry Land!

Thanks to everyone who responded to this alert and to all the agencies involved for their decisive action!

Update: Students Dance With Cat Corpses: Tell Oklahoma School to Stop Dissection!

The school announced that it is suspending its cat dissection program!

HELP NOW: Pain, Fear, Death for Monkeys at Filthy Florida Warehouse

Every year, thousands of monkeys are shipped to the U.S. to be tormented in labs. A PETA exposé finds severe stress and death for those who arrive at a major dealer.

UPDATE: Delaware County Fair Cancels ‘Pig Wrestling’!

Thank you to everyone who spoke out and to the fair board for its compassionate decision to cancel this activity!

Domino’s–We Want Vegan Pizza!

Please sign the petition asking Domino’s to offer vegan cheese and vegan meat toppings.

Update: Utah Animal Giveaway Canceled!

Seven Peaks has canceled this portion of its event!

Victory for Animals in Arizona!

Thanks to animal activists across the country who contacted the governor in opposition to the bill all animals in Arizona will continue to be protected under the law.

© Susan Riley Photography
VICTORY! Pennsylvania Apartment Complex Removes Body-Gripping Devices

Thank you for taking action and helping squirrels!

Victory! McDonald’s Pulls Chimpanzee Commercial

After hearing from PETA, our members, and other great-ape advocacy groups, McDonald’s pulled its commercial featuring a chimpanzee!

Urge lululemon to Ditch Down

Urge lululemon to take a compassionate stance for birds by banning down.

What are “ag-gag” bills?

Over the last few years, as more and more consumers have become concerned about the rampant abuse of animals on factory farms and in slaughterhouses, the agriculture industry has fought back by pushing “ag-gag” bills through legislatures across the country.

Pledge Never to Go to a Circus That Uses Animals

Big cats and other animals suffer when they are tormented and abused by circuses.

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