Thank you to everyone who took time to write to Morro Bay city officials!
PETA has just received the welcome news that China will not be returned to her former home!
The National Football League Foundation is funding horrific and deadly sports injury-related experiments on animals. Ask them to stop!
For the third year in a row, the Yellville, Arkansas, tradition of hurling live turkeys to their deaths from airplanes was stopped!
By signing the pledge, you can help birds suffering in the down industry by refusing to buy down products and looking for clothing and bedding made from cruelty-free materials.
Box Elder County Fairgrounds was scheduled to host a cruel “horse tripping” event on January 18. PETA just learned that the event has been canceled!
Thank you to all who spoke out against this event and to Anacortes Middle School, the Anacortes Eagles Club, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles for making this compassionate decision!
Speak up for hermit crabs and reptiles!
The Surabaya Zoo is a virtual hell on Earth for animals, with 50 deaths believed to have occurred there in just the last three months.
International Market World has assured PETA that it will not host rides on the suffering elephant Nosey!
Please urge Charter Airlines to join nearly every other airline in the world by banning shipments of primates destined for cruel experiments.
In 2013, a whistleblower recorded terrified mother pigs’ final moments inside SQM, a Pontotoc, Mississippi, slaughterhouse.
Watch never-before-seen undercover footage into the cruel angora fur industry and pledge to leave angora rabbit wool out of your wardrobe.
Valero has made the compassionate decision to halt the use of poisoned bait and instead investigate humane, tried-and-true bird deterrents!
Please take a moment to contact military officials in Canada, Norway, Denmark, and the U.K. and urge them to stop harming and killing animals!