Please join PETA, United Poultry Concerns, the Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos, and fellow Jewish animal advocates in speaking out against killing chickens for kapparot.
After hearing from you, Chevron questioned Texas A&M University to ensure that the company’s donation is not being used to fund cruel experiments!
In response to a lawsuit filed by PETA and an Arcadia resident, the Arcadia City Council rescinded its decision to trap and kill coyotes.
Please ask Tootsie Roll Industries and Ferrara to de-bug their glazes and switch to a vegan alternative.
Roughly 60,000 dogs are confined to cages in U.S. laboratories. Their lives are filled with torment and pain. Learn more and take action to help them now.
Your comments worked! The agency has announced that it won’t defer to private groups to conduct inspections of labs, which would have meant more suffering for animals.
Please join PETA in urging companies still selling ejiao to end sales immediately!
Please send a message asking Pizza Hut to add vegan cheese and meat toppings to its menu.
Please help us urge American Express to replace the exotic-animal skin items in its rewards store with items that don’t cause animal suffering.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is asking for comments on its draft strategic plan.
Please ask the FDA to accept superior non-animal methods in place of archaic and unreliable animal tests.
Bed Bath & Beyond already offers a plethora of down alternatives–urge it to go totally down-free today.
Urge the premier of Alberta and the minister of agriculture and forestry to end this deadly, archaic event before more horses die.
Please send a message to Canadian Minister of Health Jane Philpott and urge her and the Public Health Agency of Canada to sever ties permanently with PPI!
Please contact the company and ask that it stop selling glue traps.