Discover Holidays: Stop Supporting the Dying Dog-Sledding Industry!

Please join PETA in urging Discover Holidays to stop offering dog-sledding excursions immediately.

Donkeys’ Heads Bashed in With Sledgehammers, Throats Cut for Their Skin

Shocking eyewitness footage from Chinese farms shows donkeys as young as 5 months old bludgeoned and their throats cut to make “medicine.”

Discarded Greyhounds Imprisoned, Neglected, and Farmed for Their Blood

Video reveals frantic, frightened dogs kept solely for blood collection going mad from confinement and deprivation in a filthy former turkey shed.

Victory! Your Calls and E-Mails Ended Cruel Starvation Experiments

More than 185,000 of you demanded that St. Mary’s University in San Antonio put an end to Marshall McCue’s twisted starvation experiments, and your voices were heard.

Act Now to Help Bear Cubs at Cherokee Bear Zoo in North Carolina!

Help close this cruel animal prison by urging the owners of Cherokee Bear Zoo to release the bears to a reputable sanctuary.

Tell the University of Houston–Clear Lake to STOP Abusing Animals in Classroom Labs!

UHCL is using rats for cruel experiments, even though humane alternatives exist! Speak up today and urge the school to stop abusing animals.

Update: Kelly Miller Circus Goes Completely Animal-Free, With Great Public Support

Thanks to you, abusive animal circuses are falling like dominoes.

VICTORY! Apartment Complex Stops Trapping

Countless animals still need your voice, though!

Tell Congress: Fund Modern Research Methods Instead of Cruel Experiments on Animals

Please urge your congressional representatives to mandate that NIH stop wasting taxpayer money on cruel, useless animal experiments and instead focus on modern, non-animal methods of research.

Destination Coupons Agrees to Stop Promoting Orca Abuse

Please tell the company to extend its compassion to Lolita by taking Miami Seaquarium discounts off its website.

Urge Texas A&M University to Free Nine Healthy Dogs

Twenty dogs from the school’s failed muscular dystrophy lab remain imprisoned on her campus. Tell her that they deserve to be in loving homes.

Live Eating Exposed! Restaurants Cut Up and Serve Octopuses and Other Live Animals

We’re calling on lawmakers to introduce legislation that prohibits animals from being mutilated, “prepared,” and served alive.

Urge Little Debbie to Show Compassion for Cows and Hens With Vegan Snacks

We want the option to buy dairy- and egg-free baked goods. Urge Little Debbie to offer vegan options!

WashU Experimenters Rack Up Two Dozen Animal-Welfare Violations

A courageous insider at Washington University in St. Louis contacted PETA to report neglect, incompetence, and indifference toward animals in the school’s laboratories.

U. of Minn. Veterinarian Backtracks on Drowning Birds—Act Now!

The veterinarian’s oath requires her to prevent suffering, but birds may need to be protected from her. Demand that her bosses condemn the drowning of birds!

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