Prove It: PETA Wants Proof Alpha Genesis Escaped Monkeys Were Recaptured
Prove It: PETA Wants Proof Alpha Genesis Escaped Monkeys Were Recaptured

Alpha Genesis, already immersed in scandal from the November escape of 43 rhesus macaques, reportedly has blood on its hands from yet another act of negligence.

Monkey Business Ends Here: Demand That Apple Enact a Ban on Primates Now!
Monkey Business Ends Here: Demand That Apple Enact a Ban on Primates Now!

Join PETA in urging the company to enact a ban on primates in all future productions to ensure that no monkeys ever suffer for its movies or TV shows again.

Bears Have Died in This Concrete Pit—Help Young Bears Before It’s Too Late
Bears Have Died in This Concrete Pit—Help Young Bears Before It’s Too Late

Urge Three Bears to close the pit and send the bears to an accredited sanctuary where they could get the space and high-quality care that they need and deserve.

Tell Your Senators: No More Money for Cruel Monkey Experiments!
Tell Your Senators: No More Money for Cruel Monkey Experiments!

Don’t wait! If you want to stop the National Institutes of Health from getting millions more in taxpayer money to torment monkeys, here’s what you need to do.

Zanzibar Turtles Returned to the Ocean!
Zanzibar Turtles Returned to the Ocean!

Join PETA in urging the hotel to do the right thing by ensuring the rehabilitation of these turtles with a local group and doing away with the exhibition of animals altogether.

Urge Wallack Management Company in New York City to Ditch Glue Traps!
Urge Wallack Management Company in New York City to Ditch Glue Traps!

Wallack Management Company in New York City has reportedly set out glue traps in an apparent attempt to control the rodent population. Victims of these devices suffer immensely, succumbing to shock, dehydration, asphyxiation, or blood loss after ripping themselves apart in their frantic struggle to escape from the gooey mess. Exhausted and terrified, they can … Read more »

Even if You Never Travel to Egypt, You Can Help a Camel Like Him Today
Even if You Never Travel to Egypt, You Can Help a Camel Like Him Today

For animals used in Egypt at top tourist sites, life is no vacation—it’s instead filled with beatings, exhaustion, and suffering.

LSU Caved to Louisiana Governor’s Asinine Request to Place Caged Tiger at Football Games––Act Now!
LSU Caved to Louisiana Governor’s Asinine Request to Place Caged Tiger at Football Games––Act Now!

Urge Landry and LSU to abandon this cruel publicity stunt and leave tigers alone.

Urge United Technical Operations in San Francisco to Ditch Glue Traps!
Urge United Technical Operations in San Francisco to Ditch Glue Traps!

Urge the senior vice president of technical operations at United Airlines requesting that any glue traps be removed immediately.

IKEA: Stop Selling Furniture Made Using Slaughtered Animals
IKEA: Stop Selling Furniture Made Using Slaughtered Animals

Urge IKEA to ditch leather.

Urge the International Olympic Committee to Ban All Equestrian Events
Urge the International Olympic Committee to Ban All Equestrian Events

Call on the International Olympic Committee to remove all equestrian events immediately. Leave the Olympics to the willing participants.

Take Action After Dog Is Mauled to Death at OKC Shelter
Take Action After Dog Is Mauled to Death at OKC Shelter

Take action today by demanding an independent investigation by an unbiased (non-animal–related) auditing agency into policies and practices at OKCAW and by urging city leaders to require that the facility accept all companion animals taken to it.

Take Action: Urge Your Senator to Ban Octopus Farming
Take Action: Urge Your Senator to Ban Octopus Farming

Urge your senator to support S.4810!

Urge Coach to Stop Selling Leather
Urge Coach to Stop Selling Leather

Urge Coach to end its greenwashing and switch to vegan leather.

Federal Flip-Flop: FWS Ready to Let Endangered Monkeys Into U.S. From Cambodia
Federal Flip-Flop: FWS Ready to Let Endangered Monkeys Into U.S. From Cambodia

Please immediately tell the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service not to resume monkey imports from Cambodia.

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