Help donkeys exploited for entertainment, labor, and even traditional medicine. These PETA action alerts make speaking up for animals quick and easy.
Please join PETA in urging Eagles Beachwear to do the right thing by ending its sale of live animals.
Experimenters are so desperate to get their hands on monkeys to torment that they’re pushing the government to help facilitate their shameful business.
Please take a moment to send a quick note to the community manager of Lake Tonopah Senior Apartments and its management company, UV Residential, LLC, and politely urge them to halt the trapping and commit to using humane deterrents.
As Americans are ditching the cruel dairy industry in droves, there’s never been a better time to take action to help cows suffering for milk and cheese.
Please urge Tregembo Animal Park to retire the animals there to reputable facilities, where they can finally get the care that they desperately need.
Please urge Zootastic to retire the animals to reputable facilities, where they can get the care that they desperately need.
Please urge the Rosaires to retire these animals to reputable sanctuaries, where they will never be forced to perform again and can get the care that they desperately need.
You wouldn’t hurt a fly, but will you take a minute to help one? If you care about protecting all animals, great and small, take action now to help bugs.
Please ask AAA clubs to do the right thing and stop promoting SeaWorld.
The FWC needs to use all the tools available to it now to control the population of iguanas before resorting to lethal measures in an ill-fated attempt to restrict the number of these animals, who are just trying to survive and who don’t appear to be having any significant impact on the native flora or fauna.
Animals are not ours to use for entertainment. Learn more about the cruelty of roadside zoos, and take action to help animals being held captive.
After hearing from PETA and nearly 100,000 of our members and supporters, the “Dickens of a Christmas” event, will skip a cruel monkey act originally scheduled for this weekend.
If you’re looking for quick and easy ways to help countless mice and rats suffering in experiments and the pet trade, this is the page for you.
Urge Etsy to make a positive impact for animals by updating its Animal Products Policy to include a ban on fur.