Tell Virginia Tech to stop exploiting dogs in its laboratories and trainings, beginning with a reevaluation of its relationship with supplier Envigo.
Thank you to everyone who contacted Sik Gaek restaurant in Queens, New York, to ask it to stop serving live octopuses and lobsters.
A shocking PETA Asia investigation shows workers inflating snakes to death with compressed air—all for “luxury” leather.
We pushed, you sent in comments, and the Taiwan FDA agreed. Its monumental final decision means that animals will no longer be drowned or electroshocked to make anti-fatigue claims. (note we’re at max characters here)
Alpaca, wool, cashmere, mohair, leather, and down—all are produced with extreme violence and fear. Join the campaign to rid Urban Outfitters of these cruel materials!
Please politely urge Maitland officials to leave these animals alone.
Please politely urge Virginia officials to ditch glue traps.
Animals are not ours to experiment on! Learn more about modern, animal-free research methods and find ways to take action for animals right now.
Please send a polite message to the NYSGC urging it to protect horses by enacting a ban on whipping.
Boris the bear and cougars Venus and Apollo are forced to live in dismal conditions in the barren, concrete-floored enclosures at Jungle Adventures. Urge the roadside zoo to release them to accredited sanctuaries now.
Please urge the corporate leadership of this grocery store to stop torturing rodents.
Since the 1960s, the National Primate Research Centers have been breeding grounds for immeasurable pain and suffering. Help PETA shut them down.
Please TAKE ACTION to help put an end to these barbaric trauma training drills on animals.
A new PETA report points out that more than 2,500 studies show that other animals feel pain, fear, joy, and love. Experiments on animals must end now.
Products made from animal skins involve forcing highly intelligent, sensitive animals to endure squalid imprisonment and a violent death.