Please urge Owenhouse to leave animals out of his upcoming performances and all future shows.
There’s an ugly history behind the incongruously named Houston Interactive Aquarium & Animal Preserve—and it’s nothing less than criminal. Take action now!
Please ask TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico to put an end to this.
A landmark bill would revamp FDA rules requiring deadly animal experiments, allowing faster development of lifesaving treatments. Please urge your Congress member to support it.
See for yourself the shocking footage of NRA chief Wayne LaPierre mangling an elephant, and then speak out against cowardly “trophy” hunters.
Traumatized and depressed, Cornelius has spent a decade locked in a laboratory cage at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center—and one more day there is too long.
Urge The Preserve to give the remaining elephants a true retirement at an accredited sanctuary where they could receive expert care and have the freedom to roam, forage, socialize, and play on their own terms.
Petco sells birds, reptiles, fish, and other small animals as if they were inanimate objects like leashes or toys. It’s inhumane, and it must end.
Please politely ask Ocean Township officials to scrap killing for humane control methods—then forward this alert to everyone you know.
Experimenters at the University of Illinois were exposing mice to “episodic aggression” to mimic systemic violence experienced by urban African Americans. Not anymore.
Distressing footage reportedly captured recently at a residence in Austin, Texas, appears to show an elderly and evidently disabled dog being viciously attacked by a woman.
Please urge Hollywild to stop this cruelty!
Take action today and tell the major remaining health food companies in Taiwan to stop experimenting on and killing animals for marketing food and beverage products.
It’s time for the school to let PETA give these “pardoned” turkeys the chance to enjoy companionship, fresh air, and sunshine at last.
Biosphere Trading, a notorious monkey breeder and laboratory supplier, is seeking to expand its cruel reach into the forests of Mauritius to capture monkeys and imprison them.