The best way to help turkeys and other animals who are cruelly raised and violently killed for food is simply to stop eating them. Please contact Publix, Wegmans, and Harris Teeter now and demand that they reconsider their relationship with Plainville Farms.
Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry is on the wrong side of history as long as it offers a chick-hatching exhibit and cow-eye dissections.
Urge these Shrine chapters to stop using animals in their abusive and antiquated events.
PETA’s complaint prompted the feds to fine Hainan Airlines for illegally shipping more than 700 endangered monkeys.
Please urge Dollarama to ban their sale at all its stores.
Please urge the Downsville Ruritan Club to forgo animal giveaways at its events.
From June 2021 through April 2022, a team of PETA operatives investigated unregulated Quarter Horse racing in Georgia, primarily at the largest Georgia “bush track,” Rancho El Centenario (south of Atlanta).
Please urge sponsors to end their business partnerships with the Miami Seaquarium.
PETA has received complaints from upset residents of Mission Viejo, California, regarding an application seeking permission to hire a contractor to shoot and kill wild rabbits that was filed by Palmia, a gated senior community. According to news sources, Palmia has been massacring rabbits since 2010 because the animals have a tendency to munch on … Read more »
Urge these hotels to stop promoting SeaWorld as long as it continues to forcibly breed dolphins and whales and confine them to tiny tanks.
We must stop a Senate bill’s dangerous provision that would prohibit states from banning the sale of cosmetics tested on animals and strike down current laws that ban this. Take action!
Please politely urge museum officials to scrap this cruel event and leave the turtles in peace in nature, where they belong!
Update (May 16, 2024): In 2022, we posted the information below regarding a beaver massacre that was reportedly being carried out by the City of Calgary. We have received new and alarming reports alleging that the city is continuing to kill beavers in barbaric ways. New complainants have provided PETA with damning evidence indicating that … Read more »
Please join PETA in speaking out against plans for the world’s first octopus farm. These sensitive, intelligent animals need your help.
Please take action now to urge Hobby Lobby to stop selling fur!