Tell Canadian Tire That Glue Traps Are Cruel and Indiscriminate
Tell Canadian Tire That Glue Traps Are Cruel and Indiscriminate

Urge Canadian Tire to stop selling glue traps, which cruelly kill rodents and other animals.

Urge the U.S. Army to Shield ALL Animals From Weapon-Wounding Tests
Urge the U.S. Army to Shield ALL Animals From Weapon-Wounding Tests

Good news! The U.S. Army ended its cruel experiment on ferrets after hearing from PETA—but dogs, cats, monkeys, and other animals still need your help.

Victory: Galesburg, Illinois, City Council Swears Off Goose Massacres!
Victory: Galesburg, Illinois, City Council Swears Off Goose Massacres!

Update (March 9, 2023): The Galesburg City Council has agreed to forgo the proposed goose massacre in favor of a humane, multipronged approach and to use such measures in the future! Thank you to everyone who spoke out. Original post: According to media reports, city officials in Galesburg, Illinois, are considering hiring a contractor to … Read more »

No Time to Waste! This One Thing Must Be Stopped to Protect Asia’s Animals
No Time to Waste! This One Thing Must Be Stopped to Protect Asia’s Animals

Urge the USFWS to list long-tailed and pig-tailed macaques as endangered species with full protection under the ESA!

Urge Ohio Radio Station to Make Annual ‘Buckeye Chuck’ Event Groundhog-Free
Urge Ohio Radio Station to Make Annual ‘Buckeye Chuck’ Event Groundhog-Free

Please politely ask WMRN to replace Buckeye Chuck with a creative alternative, such as a costumed mascot, and continue its Groundhog Day tradition in a progressive, innovative way that isn’t harmful to animals.

Urge Waco, Texas, Authorities to Require Shelter for Chained Dog
Urge Waco, Texas, Authorities to Require Shelter for Chained Dog

Politely urge Waco’s animal services director, Trey Buzbee, to intervene, with consideration given to filing charges and the prompt confiscation of the animal. E-mail Buzbee at [email protected] or call him at 254-750-1765.

Urge the University of Georgia to Stop Bullying Dogs
Urge the University of Georgia to Stop Bullying Dogs

Contact UGA officials and urge them to replace the school’s live bulldog mascot with a willing human one.

Urge Country Club in Palm Desert, CA, to Forgo Gunning Down Birds!
Urge Country Club in Palm Desert, CA, to Forgo Gunning Down Birds!

Urge management at Desert Falls Country Club to forgo killing and employ tried-and-true humane tactics instead.

Victory! Feds Finally Take a Stand Against Monkey-Abduction Pipeline
Victory! Feds Finally Take a Stand Against Monkey-Abduction Pipeline

In a monumental action, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is halting the importation of monkeys destined for U.S. laboratories.

Birds Mutilated for Down: Urge REI to Stop Hiding Behind ‘Responsible’ Lie
Birds Mutilated for Down: Urge REI to Stop Hiding Behind ‘Responsible’ Lie

REI continues to sell products with the meaningless Responsible Down Standard (RDS) tag and to claim that the birds used for the down jackets it sells are “treated well,” despite a new PETA Asia investigation exposing cruelty to birds at RDS suppliers.

Director of Animal ‘Welfare’ Backs Baking Animals Alive, Must Be Fired
Director of Animal ‘Welfare’ Backs Baking Animals Alive, Must Be Fired

Animals deserve to have someone fight for their best interests. Please urge the AVMA to fire Johnson immediately and replace her with a director who has no ties to the meat industry.

Take Action for Animals Suffering at Austin Aquarium
Take Action for Animals Suffering at Austin Aquarium

Please urge promoters to reconsider their relationship with Austin Aquarium moving forward.

New Jersey’s Bears Face Being Massacred—AGAIN! Act Now to Stop the Slaughter
New Jersey’s Bears Face Being Massacred—AGAIN! Act Now to Stop the Slaughter

New Jersey’s bears urgently need your help. Thank Murphy for having staunchly advocated for bears, and politely urge him not to turn his back on these regal wild animals now.

Wild Animals Languish in Lagoon Amusement Park’s Tiny Cages and Barren Pens—Act Now!
Wild Animals Languish in Lagoon Amusement Park’s Tiny Cages and Barren Pens—Act Now!

Please urge Lagoon Amusement Park to end its Wild Kingdom train ride and transfer the animals to reputable facilities.

Demand Justice for Three Dogs Who Died of Heatstroke—Urge DA to File Charges!
Demand Justice for Three Dogs Who Died of Heatstroke—Urge DA to File Charges!

PETA has asked the district attorney’s office to pursue felony charges in the case. Please help by contacting the district attorney’s office today.

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