Behind Bars for 50 Years: Miyako the Elephant Needs Your Help
Behind Bars for 50 Years: Miyako the Elephant Needs Your Help

Miyako the elephant has suffered in a cramped pen for a half-century. Will you please urge the zoo’s owner to accept PETA’s offer to transfer her to a suitable facility?

Enough Monkey Business! Tell FOX: Exploiting Real Animals on ‘Animal Control’ Isn’t Funny
Enough Monkey Business! Tell FOX: Exploiting Real Animals on ‘Animal Control’ Isn’t Funny

Unlike Joel McHale, monkeys and sloths aren’t desperate to be on TV.

Tell Retailer Ocean State Job Lot to Stop Selling Deadly Glue Traps!
Tell Retailer Ocean State Job Lot to Stop Selling Deadly Glue Traps!

Ocean State Job Lot sells glue traps, which cause mice, birds, squirrels, and other small animals to endure agonizing pain and die slowly.

Support the Glue Trap Prohibition Act—Let’s Get These Cruel Devices Outlawed
Support the Glue Trap Prohibition Act—Let’s Get These Cruel Devices Outlawed

The Glue Trap Prohibition Act would outlaw cruel glue traps, protecting hundreds of species of wildlife. Act now to help get this landmark legislation passed.

Victory! Pharmaceutical Giant Sanofi Bans Near-Drowning of Animals After PETA’s Push
Victory! Pharmaceutical Giant Sanofi Bans Near-Drowning of Animals After PETA’s Push

Victory! Pharmaceutical giant Sanofi has thrown the forced swim test overboard. See what PETA did to make that happen.

Urge Moncler Group to Stop Selling Down
Urge Moncler Group to Stop Selling Down

Please urge Moncler Group to help prevent birds from suffering and dying by banning down.

Speak Up for Animals Neglected at SeaQuest and Other Atrocious Aquariums
Speak Up for Animals Neglected at SeaQuest and Other Atrocious Aquariums

SeaQuest and other seedy aquariums have deprived animals of veterinary care and subjected them to stressful and dangerous situations. Tell these facilities to end the exploitation!

Bearskin Trade Exposed: Killed With a Crossbow and Sent Across the Pond
Bearskin Trade Exposed: Killed With a Crossbow and Sent Across the Pond

Stephen Fry narrates a new PETA investigative video revealing the connection between a Canadian blood sport and the King’s Guard’s bearskin caps. Take a look.

Stop Keeneland From Condemning Racehorses to Slaughter
Stop Keeneland From Condemning Racehorses to Slaughter

Please join PETA in demanding that Keeneland stop condemning hundreds of American horses to death every year.

Help Dogs in Your Backyard for ‘Unchain a Dog’ Month
Help Dogs in Your Backyard for ‘Unchain a Dog’ Month
Join PETA in Urging CosMc’s to Drop Its Unfair Vegan Almond Milk Upcharge
Join PETA in Urging CosMc’s to Drop Its Unfair Vegan Almond Milk Upcharge

Join us in urging the chain to do the right thing.

Join PETA and Alec Baldwin: Urge Radio City Music Hall to Stop Using Animals in Shows
Join PETA and Alec Baldwin: Urge Radio City Music Hall to Stop Using Animals in Shows

Please join PETA in urging Radio City Music Hall not to use live animals in future shows.

Tell Liberty Media/GCI to Stop Sponsoring Cruelty to Dogs!
Tell Liberty Media/GCI to Stop Sponsoring Cruelty to Dogs!

Please ask Liberty Media to drop GCI’s Iditarod sponsorship.

Wild and Exotic Animals Face Unrelenting Hell at Auctions–Act Today!
Wild and Exotic Animals Face Unrelenting Hell at Auctions–Act Today!

Take action to urge Mt. Hope, Triple W, and Lolli Bros. to stop auctioning off wild and exotic animals.

‘Behind the Screens’: The Killing of Juvenile Horses
‘Behind the Screens’: The Killing of Juvenile Horses

PETA’s undercover investigators captured rare “behind the screens” footage of the killing of 2-year-olds at juvenile under tack shows.

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