In Honor of Lolita, Urge Miami Seaquarium to Release Dolphins to a Seaside Sanctuary

Urge The Dolphin Company—the owner of the Miami Seaquarium—to release the remaining dolphins at the facility to a seaside sanctuary.

© Ingrid N. Visser, Ph.D., and Heather Murphy
Tell Utah State University to Stop Tormenting Rats in Psychology Course

Please send a polite letter to USU President Cockett and demand that the school replace all use of animals in PSY 3400 with effective, non-animal teaching methods; humane field research observing animals in their natural habitats; and/or ethical studies involving consenting humans.

Help Us Stop Simpson College From Using Rats in an Undergrad Psych Class

Please take action today by sending a polite letter to Simpson College urging it to adopt compassionate, non-animal teaching methods in its “Learning and Behavior” psychology course (PSYC 331).

The Devil’s in the Details: What Charles River Labs Doesn’t Want You to Know  
© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
Coconut Cloud May Unknowingly Be Supporting Monkey Labor in Thailand

Please join us in asking Coconut Cloud to be certain that it’s using only ethically sourced coconuts by not using coconuts from Thailand.

Urge Authorities in Guyana to Rescue Chronically Abused Dog

We’ve been alerted to a viral video reportedly captured on July 7, in Georgetown, Guyana, depicting an adult male beating a small dog viciously and repeatedly with an object (possibly a shoe) using great force as the animal screams in agony and neighbors helplessly yell for the abuser to stop. The abuser also picks up … Read more »

PETA’s Council of Animals Takes Over The National Mall

Please join us by signing our ‘Declaration on Consciousness.’

Be the Greatest of All Time: Take Action for Goats

Does your “bleating” heart yearn for opportunities to help goats? PETA makes it easy to take action for these animals from the palm of your hand.

Which Clothing Brand Is Duping Customers? PETA Asia Has the Receipts

A breaking PETA Asia investigation shows that the cashmere industry is a rip-off.

Victory: Pasadena City Council Says NO to Killing Coyotes!

Please e-mail your city council member and insist that the city stick to humane, effective, nonlethal methods of coyote control.

Urge Southwest and American Airlines to Offer Vegan Creamer

Join us in urging Southwest and American airlines to take flight toward compassion and sustainability.

Urge These Travel Companies to Stop Promoting Bull Torture!

At least 60 bulls will be killed during the San Fermín festival in July. Urge travel companies to stop promoting this blood sport.

Tell Congress to Prune Fees That Force Farmers to Fund Tests on Animals
The Feds Are Stalling—1,000 Endangered Monkeys Need Your Help!

Please take action today to urge the secretary of the interior to send these monkeys to sanctuary!

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
Urge Louisiana Officials to Intervene in Alleged Cow Starvation Case!

Update (May 11, 2023): Thank you for speaking out in behalf of these cows. Because of your help, the Sheriff’s Office released an update with new images of the animals. We’re relieved to see that they look like they’ve gained weight and that the skeletal remains appear to have been cleaned up. We hope authorities … Read more »

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