City of Lakewood: Speak Up to Stop Cruel Coyote Killing!

PETA has learned that the City of Lakewood in California is planning to hire a contractor to kill coyotes on the grounds of the Lakewood Equestrian Center by shooting them with a high-powered air rifle.

coyote caught in leg hold trap

This method can maim coyotes and cause them to die slowly and painfully. Many cities in Southern California and throughout the U.S. have created resoundingly successful coyote-management plans using nonlethal practices, and they have significantly decreased human-coyote conflicts.

Please contact the city and ask it to put a stop to the plan to use cruel and ineffective lethal methods that would result in immense suffering and terror.

Send polite comments to:

Todd Rogers
[email protected]

Paolo Beltran
Deputy City Manager
[email protected]

Valarie Frost
Director of Recreation and Community Services
[email protected]

Abel Andrade
Parks Superintendent
[email protected]

Please feel free to use our sample letter, but remember that using your own words is always more effective.

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