Victory: Galesburg, Illinois, City Council Swears Off Goose Massacres!
Update (March 9, 2023): The Galesburg City Council has agreed to forgo the proposed goose massacre in favor of a humane, multipronged approach and to use such measures in the future! Thank you to everyone who spoke out.
Original post:
According to media reports, city officials in Galesburg, Illinois, are considering hiring a contractor to round up and kill Canada geese who call the area home. Such roundups are done when birds are molting and thus flightless, and contractors typically snatch startled, defenseless geese from their homes and stuff them into crowded transport vehicles. Victims may then be taken to a slaughterhouse to endure unbearably crowded and stressful conditions before they’re hung upside down and their throats are slit. The terror that these sensitive beings experience is horrific, and such initiatives leave babies entirely vulnerable after their doting parents are hauled away. Furthermore, lethal methods are wholly ineffective at reducing goose populations, as more birds will simply move in to use the available resources as long as the area remains attractive and accessible to them.