Speak Up for Cold, Shivering Dog in Blackville, SC!

PETA has received a complaint that a dog on Hampton Avenue in Blackville, SC appears to be outside 24/7 with a dilapidated, uninsulated doghouse and filthy “drinking” water. PETA caseworkers advised local authorities regarding shelter requirements, but feeling unsure that they would press for improvements, we sent a representative to the property offering straw and clean water. However we were bafflingly met with hostility and turned away. While there, we observed a dog shivering in subfreezing temperatures, and seemingly desperate for human interaction. We again turned to law enforcement, pleading with them to help, but they insisted their hands were tied.

Barnwell County ordinance 2022-11-398 requires adequate shelter, defining it as ‘allowing animals to remain comfortable.’ Temperatures are expected to dip below freezing again this weekend, and your voice is needed! Please politely urge Blackville officials to intervene on behalf of this suffering animal immediately. Correspondence should be polite and professional, as rude comments will hurt our efforts.

Police Chief Shawn Howze
Call 803-284-2333
[email protected]

Mayor Ronnie Pernell
[email protected]

Mr. Enterick Lee, Council Member
[email protected]

Mr. Kelvin Isaac, Council Member
[email protected]

Ms. Frenchie Smalls, Council Member
[email protected]

Ms. M. Ann Pernell, Council Member
[email protected] 

Mr. Allen Harrison, Council Member
[email protected]

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