Mr. Kicco Coffee & Wine Stops Selling Kopi Luwak After Hearing From PETA Supporters!

Victory! Only 48 hours after our action alert went out and after supporters like you took action, Mr. Kicco Coffee & Wine (also known as Sweet Coffee USA) has stopped selling kopi luwak and thrown out its remaining supply!

Kopi luwak, the world’s most expensive coffee, is made from the beans of coffee berries that have been eaten and excreted by Asian palm civet cats. These nocturnal animals prefer to stay in dark, secluded tree canopies during the day, and just like all other animals, they feel love, fear, and joy. They just want to be left in peace to roam free.

Civet cat with "I

An investigation by PETA Asia found that civet cats used for kopi luwak were confined to small wire cages in the sun with no dark place to sleep and were subjected to a barrage of unwanted human contact. The cages were encrusted with feces, rotting berries, and other filth, and the animals panted incessantly in the heat.

It’s because of supporters like you that this victory for animals has been achieved—thank you to everyone who called, e-mailed, and messaged the company on Facebook. You’ve made all the difference for civet cats today, and your efforts have not gone !

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