Meet PETA and the PETA Foundation Staff: Lori
PETA Foundation’s Vice President and Deputy General Counsel for Regulatory Affairs
Lori moved to Norfolk, Virginia, almost 20 years ago with her three rescued cats and rescued iguana in order to work for PETA. She now works for the PETA Foundation from her home in Burlington, Vermont, which she shares with her rescued dog, three rescued cats, and three rescued geckos. Like all 17 attorneys in the foundation’s Legal Department, she spends her days ensuring that PETA’s researchers are provided with access to public records, that activists can hand out leaflets about and demonstrate against industries that abuse animals, that government agencies fulfill their duty to protect animals, and that animal abusers are punished by the criminal justice system. Her “clients” have included seven polar bears who were trucked through the heat of Central America by a traveling circus, macaques who were denied emergency veterinary care in a drug-testing facility, and chickens who were used as punching bags by slaughterhouse workers. No other work environment provides as much support for those who want to make a difference for animals as the PETA Foundation’s does. She’s never looked back.