PETA’s International Grassroots Campaigns Department: Planting Seeds and Making Waves

PETA’s International Grassroots Campaigns (IGC) Department works on the front lines of the animal rights movement, managing groundbreaking public campaigns against corporations and industries that exploit animals for food, clothing, experimentation, and entertainment.

Staging street-theater–style demonstrations in cities around the world, helping to create attention-grabbing videos and Web sites, and giving interviews for local and national media outlets are just some of the many ways that this fast-paced, exciting department works to bring animal suffering into the spotlight.

By putting relentless pressure on corporations that abuse animals, IGC has won countless victories for animals over the years. IGC’s work has caused McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King to adopt standards for farmed-animal welfare; persuaded J.Crew, Wet Seal, and Forever 21 to permanently remove fur from their stores; and convinced Gillette, Ocean Spray, and Welch’s to end their cruel animal tests, among many other lifesaving breakthroughs.

As PETA’s membership and support continue to grow, so does our ability to make positive changes for animals. Our dynamic and effective IGC Department is looking for outgoing and motivated professionals for a variety of positions.

Check out PETA and The PETA Foundation’s open positions now.

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