PETA Report Is Critical in Banning Animal Tests for Recreational Drugs in New Zealand

May 2014 Synthetically produced recreational drugs were being sold on store shelves in New Zealand until the government announced that all the drugs would be pulled until manufacturers presented test results proving that their products were safe, which meant that many new animal tests would be conducted. Animal rights activists working to stop this contacted … Read more »

Century 21 Bans Angora

May 2014 After being contacted by PETA, Century 21 made the compassionate decision to ban angora wool.

Illinois Store Stops Poisoning Birds!

PETA contacted the store’s CEO and manager, who made the compassionate decision to remove the poison and to use anti-roosting coils instead.

Los Angeles Finalizes Bullhook Ban

Last year, the LA City Council voted to support a bullhook ban, now the law has been drafted and formally adopted. The ban goes into effect in January 2017.

USDA Fines China Southern Airlines for Illegal Monkey Shipments

The USDA fined China Southern Airlines $11,600 for illegally shipping 1,380 monkeys over a six-month period in 2013 from breeding facilities to labs.

County Officials in West Virginia End Practice of Adopting Out Unaltered Animals

County officials in West Virginia agreed to revise their adoption policies to include sterilization and careful placement.

Perry Ellis Bans Angora!

Major retailer Perry Ellis officially banned the sale of angora products after a revealing undercover investigation showed the torturous practices that are standard on angora farms.

National Guard Armory in Tennessee Cancels Kangaroo Boxing

National Guard Armory in Tennessee cancels kangaroo boxing match as well as all of Stardust’s planned circus performances.

Ann Inc. Bans Angora!

Global retailer Ann Inc. banned the use of angora in its brands, including Ann Taylor and LOFT, after extensive talks with PETA!

Huntington Surf and Sport Bans Angora!

After talks with PETA, Huntington Surf and Sport made the compassionate decision to join dozens of other companies in banning the sale of angora products!

Abusive Animal Trainer Denied New Exhibitor’s License

The administrative law judge ruled that the USDA had good cause to revoke Ramos’ license and that the revocation is permanent.

Koi Fish in Crowded Pond at Palm Desert Restaurant Get New Homes!

After a complainant alerted us to a severely crowded koi fish pond at a chain restaurant, we contacted the chain’s CEO.

Major Online Shoe Retailer Zappos Bans Angora!

Following talks with PETA, major online retailer Zappos agreed to ban the sale of angora on its website permanently!

Hollins University Ditches Body-Gripping Traps!

The university agreed to use other methods and consider PETA’s deterrent suggestions.

Oklahoma Company Cancels Animal Giveaway!

After a complainant alerted us that 100 chicks were scheduled to be given away at a company in Oklahoma, we contacted the company’s CEO right away.

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