Miami Seaquarium Forced to Shut Down
Following a relentless PETA campaign and weekly protests by local activists, Miami-Dade County officials issued a Notice of Termination and Notice of Default to the Miami Seaquarium’s owner, requiring the company to vacate the premises, effectively shutting down the hellhole! Our campaign included more than 150,000 calls and e-mails from our supporters, lively rallies, lawsuits, celebrity ads, and letters to and meetings with county officials. Animals like Lolita the orca suffered at the Seaquarium in tiny, dilapidated enclosures through multiple owners and promised improvements for more than half a century, but the surviving ones now have a chance to finally get some relief. Join us in helping other marine animals by urging SeaWorld to release Corky, the longest-held captive orca in the world, to a seaside sanctuary.