Mt. Hope Auction Stopped for Now From Causing Suffering and Death

Two federal lawsuits that cited evidence provided by PETA—one filed by the Department of Justice and the other by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)—bars the Mt. Hope Auction from holding its triannual exotic-animal auction. After PETA first put the horrific auction on the government’s radar in August 2022, the USDA has cited Mt. Hope Auction for violating the federal Animal Welfare Act 69 times in less than two years. Mt. Hope Auction served as a Who’s Who cesspool of seedy wildlife breeders, dealers, and roadside zoos, and its closure has caused a big blow to the cruel exotic “pet” trade. If the disgraced auction attempts to apply for a new license within the next three years, it will have to serve a two-year probation that could result in permanent revocation if it receives repeat citations of certain federal violations.

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