Don’t the March of Dimes’ experiments on animals save the lives of children?
Birth defects are prevented and babies are saved when research dollars go into effective and relevant research, which comes from studying human problems in human babies, not from sewing kittens’ eyes shut or addicting rats to cocaine, experiments that the March of Dimes has funded. Through the years, animal tests have frequently led scientists in the wrong direction, thus holding back medical progress and prolonging human suffering.
Many charities, including Easter Seals, Birth Defect Research for Children, Child Health Foundation, and the Heimlich Foundation, put all their funds into programs that directly benefit families affected by birth defects and never waste a penny on cruel animal experiments. Forward-thinking health charities fund humane, modern, and effective non-animal research—such as human cell and tissue cultures, complex computer modeling and scanning techniques, and human epidemiological studies—as well as administering care to people who are already sick.
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