Alpharetta Firefighters Receive PETA Award for Swift Rescue of Ducklings

First Responders See to It That Bird Family Has a Very Happy Mother’s Day

For Immediate Release:
May 13, 2013

Kaitlynn Kelly 202-483-7382

Alpharetta, Ga. — At least one feathered resident of Alpharetta had a happy Mother’s Day this weekend. That’s because on Thursday, PETA received a call from a member who reported that a mother duck had become frantic after her babies fell down a storm drain. PETA immediately notified the police and the fire department, which dispatched a fire truck within minutes. The crew removed the grate, and one of the firefighters climbed down into the storm drain and scooped up all eight ducklings and carefully placed them in a cat carrier. After transporting the baby birds a safe distance from the drain, the crew released the ducklings just as their mother flew by to retrieve them. After checking to make sure that all was well, she led them waddling away. Less than 30 minutes passed from the time that PETA placed the phone call until the duck family was safely reunited.

For being true heroes to a family of ducks in jeopardy, Alpharetta Fire and Emergency Services will receive PETA’s Compassionate Fire Department Award.

“Thanks to their dedicated and swift action, these firefighters took what could have ended in tragedy and turned it into the happiest possible Mother’s Day for a loving mother duck and her family,” says PETA Associate Director of Cruelty Investigations Stephanie Bell. “Alpharetta is very fortunate to have first responders who are ready to protect and serve all residents—including the ones with wings.”

The fire department will receive a framed certificate, a letter of appreciation, and a box of vegan chocolates from PETA.

For more information, please visit

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