Adoption Story: Orphaned Owlet Finds a New Family

For Immediate Release:
October 1, 2019

Moira Colley 202-483-7382

Norfolk, Va.

A new PETA video released today shows an unusual adoption story, courtesy of India-based animal protection organization Animal Rahat (“rahat” means “relief”).

When Animal Rahat heard about a fallen tree that had destroyed a baby owl’s nest, its rescue team rushed to provide her with a new birdhouse—but her parents never returned, and local bird rescuers refused to foster her because of a superstition that owls are bad luck. That’s when Animal Rahat decided to try something unusual: It placed her with a nearby owl family who had lost one of their own chicks—and the payoff was immediate. Her new siblings quickly snuggled up to her, and her new parents accepted her as one of their own!

“Luck was on Animal Rahat’s side when it came to finding a loving new home for this orphaned owlet,” says Animal Rahat veterinarian Dr. Naresh Chandra Upreti. “We hope this little bird’s story inspires people around the world to give a hoot and take action whenever they see an animal in distress.”

Founded in 2003, Animal Rahat offers services throughout three districts in Maharashtra, one of the largest states in India. The organization is run by a dedicated staff that includes veterinarians, veterinary assistants, animal caretakers, and a community educator. All its veterinarians are on call for emergencies and advice around the clock.

More information about Animal Rahat’s work is available here.

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