Photo: If You Wouldn’t Crate Your Child …

Published by Heather Faraid Drennan.
< 1 min read

Photo of the day

Dog © Goodwin

With Ashly Clark, a Nebraska mother whose two young boys were found locked in a wire kennel during a police welfare check, set to go on trial on January 31, PETA is planning to erect a billboard in her area that reminds people that crating is wrong—for children and dogs

Since dogs are highly social pack animals, they find crating or chaining a terrible punishment and it can actually make behavioral problems like barking and hyperactivity worse.

Dogs need to be allowed outside to relieve themselves at least four times a day, whether that means coming home from work at lunchtime, hiring a reputable dog walker, or taking them to a doggie daycare. After all, would you leave a toddler in a cage all day? 


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