Fur Flies Over Miss Universe

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

Check out the letter PETA Asia-Pacific sent the new Miss Universe, Riyo Mori, this morning urging her to stop with the fur already.

Riyo Mori
c/o Miss Universe Japan Office
5F Kitae Bldg.
5-9-13 Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0001

Dear Ms. Mori:

Many of our members have contacted us to express their shock and disappointment over your use of fur. Perhaps you are confused about what is expected of you now that you have been crowned Miss Universe. Let us help you: As an ambassador of goodwill, your job is to promote peace, not pieces of tortured animals.

Animals trapped in the wild may suffer for days before dying from blood loss, infection, or attacks by predators. Some, especially mothers with babies to feed, chew off their own limbs in an attempt to escape. On fur farms, animals spend their lives pacing in tiny wire cages until they are killed by being anally electrocuted, gassed, or having their necks broken. Sometimes these methods only stun the animals, who often “wake up” while they’re being skinned. As you will see if you watch these videos, there is nothing upscale or elegant about how the original owners of the furs you flaunt met their gruesome deaths:

A recent investigation of fur farms in China, which is now the world’s largest fur producer, revealed that animals, including dogs and cats, are being bludgeoned, hanged, bled to death, strangled with wire nooses, and skinned alive. Cat and dog fur is often deliberately mislabeled as fur from other species, so it’s impossible to tell which type of animal a pelt is from. The ugly truth is, no matter whose back it was ripped off, the fur that you’re profiting from came from animals who suffered miserable lives and unimaginably cruel deaths.

As Miss Universe, you are expected to be a positive role model who sets a good example. All eyes are on you. By choosing to wear fur, not only are you directly responsible for the deaths of dozens of animals, you’re also sending a clear message to everyone who sees you that animals’ lives are less important than fashion—you validate the fur industry, and you validate cruelty. Prove that your beauty is more than skin deep. Please do the decent and compassionate thing and stop wearing fur.

PETA is famous for pulling out all the stops to protest celebrities who wear fur; just ask Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé. Having animal rights activists protest outside events you attend will do nothing to help your image. That said, there is nothing that we would like more than to sing your praises for being a compassionate trendsetter who chooses to go faux. Many entertainers and designers, including Sir Paul and Stella McCartney, Maggie Q, Charlize Theron, and Mariah Carey, have already shunned fur.

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to your response so that we can inform our members of your decision.


Jason Baker
PETA Asia-Pacific


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