Internet Soup!
I haven’t done one of these in a long time, but I’ve been getting so many great links lately that I thought I’d bring it back. Also, to be honest, I’m still recovering from yesterday’s tragic events, and I could use a little light relief. So here you go: The very best that the Internet has to offer this week on themes at least tangentially connected to animal rights. Enjoy!
- Miss Manners straight-up represents on uncivilized non-vegans.
- Deer: 1. Hunter: 0. I think I may have posted this one before at some point, but hey, it’s a winner. Thanks to Robert Maloney for sending in the link.
- Once you GoVeganRadio, you can never go back …
- PETA VP Dan Mathews talks about Nancy Reagan’s new coat
- This year’s most vegetarian-friendly university is revealed!
- Ingrid Newkirk’s letter to the editor about Matthew Scully’s Dominion was published in The New York Times today. You can find that here.
- And Alec Baldwin fights for healthier school lunches.
If that’s not enough to while away the last 20 minutes or so of your work day, you should have a listen to the segment about vegan Thanksgivings on NPR’s Splendid Table, featuring the good folks from Post Punk Kitchen. Definitely worth a listen if cooking’s your thing.
And when you’re finished with all that, why not treat yourself to the website I made about my recent trip to Canada. They didn’t let me in.
P.S. Don’t forget to check out I Am an Animal tonight on HBO!