Perez Named Queen of ‘Best-Dressed’ List

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Fashion-forward blogger Perez Hilton is being named the queen of my “Best-Dressed” list because he has been spotted in a Fabulous Furs faux-fur coat. His look sure beats that of another well-known queen, Aretha Franklin, who just yesterday was announced as the “winner” of PETA’s ” Worst-Dressed” title for sporting the fur of dead animals.

PETA had this to say about Aretha: “How ’bout some R-E-S-P-E-C-T for animals? Aretha, when you waddled into the Grammys in yet another vulgar fur, you looked as if you were going to perform ‘I Am the Walrus’ by The Beatles. You may be a queen, but you don’t know jack about compassion.” Ouch.

Sure, Perez is only on a list of one, but I’d be happy to make it longer—that way, we can have a full-blown, knock-out, throw-down fight for the “Best-Dressed” title next year.

See Perez in his cruelty-free faux fur here, and check out all the hags who made our “Worst-Dressed” list here.


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