UPDATE: Bethlehem Retirement Village Ditches Glue Traps!
PETA has received the wonderful news that Bethlehem Retirement Village in Flourtown, Pennsylvania, has decided to stop using glue traps to ensnare rodents! Thank you to the community’s management for choosing the compassionate path and to everyone who spoke up for these animals.
When we were informed that Bethlehem Retirement Village in Flourtown, Pennsylvania, had set out glue traps for rodents, we immediately contacted management. Victims of these sadistic devices suffer immensely, succumbing to shock, dehydration, asphyxiation, or blood loss after ripping themselves apart in their frantic struggle to escape the gooey mess. Exhausted and terrified, they can take days to die—in fact, labels instruct users just to toss trapped animals into the garbage. Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention caution against their use because of the human health risks posed. Plus, glue traps are indiscriminate, ensnaring countless “nontarget” species every year. But despite sharing all this information, PETA was given no assurance that glue traps would no longer be used, so your voice is desperately needed.