The Introvert’s Guide to Animal Rights Activism

For many of us introverts, becoming an animal rights activist can seem intimidating. Despite having a strong passion for helping animals, we know that interacting in large crowds or giving speeches aren’t situations in which we shine. But the truth is that if you have an introverted personality, you can still speak up for animals in a lot of vital ways.

Share Animals Rights Content on Social Media

Social media has been a wonderful outlet for introverts. While face-to-face interactions can sometimes be overwhelming, posting online lets you share your opinions freely and comfortably. You can take as long as you need to craft what you want to say, and you can easily offer resources to people who have questions. Sharing PETA’s articles and videos is a great way to get your message across to your friends and followers.

Sign PETA’s Action Alerts

PETA uses action alerts to mobilize activists into taking action on specific issues. These alerts have led to many victories. They provide a great way for you to speak out for animals from your computer or phone. To keep up to date with all of the latest actions, subscribe to PETA News, sign up to get mobile alerts, or download the PETA app.

Bring a Friend When Leafleting

The buddy system is a proven safety measure that works in a lot of situations, including social interactions. If you want to hit the streets to get the word out for animals but you’re intimidated by talking to strangers, bring a friend. Having another person with you can help provide a buffer, as well as a backup, when you feel yourself losing confidence or energy. Another alternative is something we call “leaveleting.” When you leavelet, you don’t even need to speak to anyone. Just leave materials at your local spots!

Write Out a Script Before Making a Phone Call

Whenever legislation is proposed that may help or harm animals, calling your representative to let him or her know how you feel about it is an essential part of the democratic process. This can be difficult, however, if you’re nervous about phone calls. One way to make it a lot easier on yourself is to write out everything that you want to say beforehand. Just jot down a few sentences that cover your viewpoint and keep them in front of you when dialing. When you call, you’ll likely get a voicemail, or an assistant who’ll take a message, so you won’t need to have a long conversation. It can be as simple as letting the representative know that you’re a constituent and asking him or her to vote yes or no on the issue. This practice will decrease your anxiety and help the call to go smoothly!

Contact Local Businesses

An easy way to advocate for animals is by letting your local businesses know that they have good vegan options or that they could use more. For restaurants, you can leave our comment cards on the table with your receipt. For other places, simply write them an e-mail or leave a review online. Businesses like to get feedback, and enough of it could change what they’re selling.


Giving money isn’t a financially viable option for everyone, and that’s okay. However, if you have the resources, donating is a great way for introverts to support the cause. Any amount will help, and you can even set up a monthly donation so that you can continue to contribute without needing a reminder.

While you’re taking all of these actions, it’s important to practice self-care. It doesn’t matter who you are, or how extroverted you may or may not be, working to change the world into a kinder place can take its toll. Compassion fatigue is a real thing, and it’s something that everyone striving for animal rights should know how to combat. If you feel fatigue setting in, be sure to take some time for yourself. Watch a movie, cook a nice vegan dinner, and let yourself recharge. The work will still be there for you to do tomorrow, when you’re feeling refreshed and ready to tackle it.

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