PETA Offers to Rescue Tobacco Quit Line

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read / CC

Much to the dismay of struggling addicts in the Wolverine State, the Michigan Tobacco Quit Line has been shut down until October 1 because it just couldn’t financially keep up with the requests for nicotine replacement therapy products.

As an organization that helps people fight another addiction (meat addiction, that is) we feel the quit line’s pain.

That’s why, after hearing about the help line’s financial woes, we wrote a letter to the director of the Department of Community Health in Michigan offering to team up and help cover the hotline’s costs. Our proposal includes renaming the quit line The Cancer Prevention Hotline (because that’s the point, isn’t it?) and including copies of PETA’s free “Vegetarian Starter Kit” along with the other distributed materials.

Are you a smoker who needs another reason to quit? Did you know that most cigarettes are tested on animals? Gross.

Written by Shawna Flavell

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