SHARE: 6 Videos to Show Nonvegans

Written by Tiffany Rose

We all have friends like this. Heck, maybe you’ve even been one. It’s hard to imagine it now, but there was a time when even I was one. No, I’m not talking about being a Nickelback fan. I’m referring to those pals who claim, “I could never go vegan,” and proceed to rattle off all the reasons why. Rather than rolling your eyes and pretending to yawn, you can share with them these six videos that’ll debunk some of the common excuses that people give for not going vegan.

Lights, camera, action:

1. For Friends Who Say, ‘It’s Too Hard’

No, running a marathon is hard (or so I hear). Keeping dead body parts off your plate isn’t. Challenge your friends to watch “Glass Walls” and then ask them whether it’s too hard to order the veggie burger instead of the baby back ribs.

2. For Friends Who Say, ‘I Could Never Give Up Cheese’

Ugh! This one is so tired. I usually say, “Sure you can. There was a time when you loved your mother’s breast milk, and you gave that up whether you wanted to or not.” While they’re still speechless, hit play on “The Dairy Industry in 60 Seconds Flat.”

3. For Friends Who Say, ‘Vegans Don’t Get Enough Protein’

Tell that to Barny du Plessis, Mr. Universe 2014, who happens to be vegan. Looks to me like he’s getting plenty. The same goes for Germany’s Patrik Baboumian, one of the strongest men in the world, who’s also vegan. Share this “Foods That Pack a Protein Punch” infographic, which lists many plant foods and their protein content.

4. For Friends Who Say, ‘I Only Eat Humane Meat’

Your pals might as well be reporting a unicorn sighting—it’d be about as convincing. Wish them luck finding those one-horned beings—because like “humane meat,” they’re just a myth. Share “Humane Meat: Taste the Happy!” with them for the real deal.

5. For Friends Who Say, ‘Why Should I Care About Animals When People Are Starving?’

Remind them that there’s plenty of room in these big brains of ours to be concerned about more than one issue. I care about my human family, my dog and cats, women’s rights, my bank account, climate change, and much more. For an overview of the domino effect of eating vegan, check out “The Ethics of Diet.” But for the whole enchilada—an in-depth look at animal agriculture and its effects on the planet—encourage your friends to watch Cowspiracy on Netflix.

6. For the Friends Who Say, ‘I’m Lazy’

OK, no one has outright admitted this to me, but we know that this is what’s really going on. And hey—I can sympathize. I’m lazy, too. You know what else I am? Vegan. Some people might find it daunting to change the way that they’ve been eating for most of their lives, so if they need to do it in steps, that’s cool. As long as they keep on steppin’, they’ll get there eventually. Share this video, which shows how one woman made the transition gradually. I bet they’ll be inspired, not intimated.

If you have any feedback about how these PETA videos have impacted someone you know after you shared them, we’d love to hear about it!

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