Report Paves Way for Animal-Free Science

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Imagine an animal experiment that concludes with a death toll. That’s what happens with painful tests known as “acute systemic toxicity tests,” in which a test substance is applied to the skin of live rats, mice, or other animals or they are forced to inhale or ingest it. These lethal tests are currently required by many regulatory agencies, but scientists are working hard to promote non-animal methods to replace them.

In September 2015, more than 60 members of the international scientific community met to discuss replacements for these experiments at a workshop cohosted by the PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. The workshop proceedings have now been published in the journal Toxicology In Vitro and are coauthored by a Consortium scientist.

60 scientists attending PISC workshop

The PETA International Science Consortium is now taking steps to implement the workshop recommendations—so stay tuned!

What You Can Do

Make sure your personal-care and household products are not tested on animals. Check out PETA’s handy guide to get started today!


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