Trucker Has Near-Death Experience After Eating Pork Rinds
Show me a bag of pork rinds and two things will happen. First, images like this and that will race through my mind. Then I’ll get choked up.
The revolting* “snack” made a truck driver named Edward Sutherland get choked up too—only his reaction was apparently not prompted by thoughts of what animals endured before they went down his gullet. Mr. Sutherland lost control of his rig, which careened across the interstate, jackknifed, and landed in a ditch.
The truck did not hit any other vehicles, and Mr. Sutherland walked away with minor injuries—and a citation for driving with his wheels off the road. Had I been the cop at the scene, I might have let him go with a warning—to eat only Pirate’s Booty. How would you complete the following: “____—now that vegan snack is the ticket!”
Written by Karin Bennett
*If you know any people who don’t think that eating fried pigskin is revolting, they just might after you show them this video of how it’s made.