Urge Ghirardelli to Make Its Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips Vegan Again!

Cow with calf

Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet Chocolate Baking Chips have long been a favorite “accidentally vegan” treat. But recently, the company quietly added whole milk powder to the ingredients, and the original dairy-free chocolate chips are disappearing from grocery store shelves.

The company claims that the addition of milk “does not impact taste or baking performance,” so why add it in the first place? And now that so many companies are making and changing products to be vegan, not the opposite, why would Ghirardelli go against the trend?

Dairy “products” are a leading cause of health problems and environmental pollution. Cows in the dairy industry are subjected to cruel treatment from the day that they’re born until the day that they’re slaughtered at an early age because they can no longer produce enough milk. Calves are torn away from their mothers within hours of birth and later dehorned with searing-hot irons, caustic chemicals, or crude blades. Males, deemed useless by dairy farmers, are often sold to the veal industry. Females are destined for the same miserable fate as their mothers, which includes being forcibly and repeatedly impregnated so that they’ll produce a steady supply of milk.

Companies listen to the public, so let’s tell Ghirardelli how much we loved its dairy-free chocolate chips and ask it to return to the original recipe.

Contact the company on Facebook and Twitter:


Please also e-mail Ghirardelli’s CEO and politely ask him to make the Semi-Sweet Chocolate Baking Chips vegan again:

Marty Thompson
[email protected]

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