Smurf Got Help, but What About the Countless Others Like Him?

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

When this tiny kitten was taken to an animal shelter in San Jose, California, he was impossible to miss—a cruel person had apparently dyed him a bright bluish purple, which earned him the name Smurf. Underneath Smurf’s indigo coat, there was something even more sinister—deep puncture wounds pointing to a painful past.

A veterinarian who treated him suggested that the puncture wounds all over his body may be a result of being used as a live chew toy for a larger animal.

While the Internet has fallen in love with Smurf, who is now being treated for his injuries, there are countless other animals who have been abused and need a safe place to go. PETA’s rescue team helps animals like these every day, and we’re calling on people who were touched by Smurf’s case to turn their anger into support for local open-door shelters that accept abused cats and dogs like Smurf—most of whom never make the news—and never turn away any animal in need.

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