Media Alert: Bevy of ‘Nuns’ to Enliven Pope’s Visit With Message: ‘Eating Meat Is a Bad Habit’

PETA Will Encourage the World to Show Mercy to All by Going Green, Choosing Vegan Fare

For Immediate Release:
September 24, 2015

Catie Cryar 202-483-7382

New York

PETA’s “nuns” will stand tall in the crowd on Friday—when Pope Francis’ historic tour of the United States reaches New York City—because the “sisters” will be wearing stilts to ensure that their message is seen. Bearing signs that proclaim, “Eating Meat Is a Bad Habit,” the nuns will spread the message that there is no such thing as a meat-eating environmentalist and encourage everyone to choose vegan meals in keeping with the pope’s inspiring statements that urge people to support animal welfare and care for the Earth. As His Holiness has declared, “Every act of cruelty towards any creature is ‘contrary to human dignity.’”

Where:           Madison Square Garden, Seventh Avenue between 33rd and 34th streets, New York

When:             Friday, September 25, 4–6 p.m.

“Eating vegan meals aligns perfectly with Pope Francis’ commitment to helping the poor, protecting the environment, and caring for animals, because vegans save resources, like water and grain, and spare animals’ lives,” says PETA Senior Director Colleen O’Brien. “During His Holiness’ visit, the PETA ‘nuns’ will be everywhere encouraging everyone, Catholic or not, to embrace ‘green’ values by switching to cruelty-free meals.”

As PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—points out, vegan meals spare animals daily suffering and a terrifying death. Vegan eating also helps combat worldwide poverty—one of the pope’s greatest concerns—as only a fraction of the calories fed to animals is returned in the form of edible flesh, a tremendous waste of resources that could be applied directly to hungry populations. Pope Francis has also spoken about the importance of tackling environmental problems, and according to the United Nations, a global shift toward vegan eating is one of the steps that’s necessary to combat the most dangerous effects of climate change.

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