PETA Statement: Horse’s Fall in Charleston Another Black Mark for Horse-Drawn Carriages
For Immediate Release:
July 17, 2015
David Perle 202-483-7382
PETA Senior Vice President Dan Mathews has released a statement in response to the recent fall of Blondie, a 12-year-old horse used to pull carriages in Charleston:
Busy city streets are no place for horses, who are easily spooked by loud noises and commotion, so it should come as no surprise that Blondie’s collapse reportedly followed a scare. As temperatures in Charleston soared into the high 80s, temperatures where hoof meets pavement likely rose above 100 degrees. Blondie languished on that pavement for more than an hour before a crane was called in to lift him to his feet. This incident is yet another testament to the cruelty inherent in the horse-drawn carriage industry, which has been banned in cities from Salt Lake City to Biloxi, Mississippi, and from city centers in London, Mumbai, Paris, Toronto, and dozens of other cities around the globe. Charleston should act now and relieve Blondie and dozens of other suffering horses so that they can recover at a reputable sanctuary.
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