PETA Demo Shows People How to Go Bananas in the Bedroom

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Flowers, chocolates, and teddy bears are great—but what we gals really want is a guy who goes, ahem, bananas over us. So this Valentine’s Day, PETA is inspiring men to go bananas in the bedroom by going vegan. (You can thank us later, guys.)

Banana Demo veganism sexy

Our Banana Babes stood outside in chilly Victoria, British Columbia, to tell passersby how they can heat things up in the bedroom by going vegan. You see, the cholesterol and saturated fat found in meat and dairy products restricts blood flow not only to the heart but also to all the major arteries, if you get my drift. So, valiant vegan stud-muffins have more stamina. I’ll say that one more time, louder: VEGANS HAVE MORE STAMINA.

Got it? Good.

There’s nothing sexier than going vegan for your Valentine. So make her heart melt—and then make it race.

Banana demo vegan sexy

To heat things up in the kitchen this Valentine’s Day, check out PETA’s selection of romantic, aphrodisiac-filled vegan recipes.

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