See the Ad That’s Sending Shoppers Scurrying to Their Cars

Published by Lindsay Pollard-Post.
2 min read

It happens every summer: While their guardians indulge in “retail therapy” or relax at the food court in air-conditioned comfort, dogs who are left in cars in mall parking lots swelter in the summer heat—and many don’t survive. Already this year, many dogs have suffered gruesome, painful deaths after being left in hot cars while their guardians shopped or ran errands.

That’s why we’re reminding shoppers at malls throughout California (and other places, including Phoenix, Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada) that parked cars are “Too Hot for Spot!” with our eye-catching ads.

Too Hot For Spot Poster At Outdoor Mall
Too Hot For Spot Ad Outside JCPenney's

It takes just a few minutes for a parked car to cook an animal alive: On a warm day, the temperature inside a parked car can reach more than 160 degrees—even with the windows cracked open. Dogs can develop heatstroke in just 15 minutes, resulting in brain damage or death.

Hopefully, our ads will save many lives by making shoppers think twice about leaving their pups to bake while they scout for sales. If you see a dog, cat, or child (or anyone else!) trapped inside a hot car, please take immediate action—it could be a matter of life or death.

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