Companion Animals Miss Their Soldiers Too!
Just as family and friends long for the day when their beloved soldier arrives home safe, so do their animal companions. Snuggled up to an old T-shirt belonging to their deployed guardian, animal companions also dream of the day when they can leap into the loving arms of the guardian they have been missing.
Because the animals who share our lives are unable to phone, write, or send e-mail to their guardians overseas, those who are still with them at home can help them send a special message to their loved ones. Now is your chance to help your dog, cat, bunny, bird, or other animal companions send a message to your beloved troops overseas!
Take a picture with your animal companion(s) and one of our signs below reading, “We Miss Our Soldier” or “I Miss My Soldier”—just print the sign below, or make your own sign with a marker and a piece of paper and we will post the pictures on PETA’s Flickr page.
Here’s how to get started:
Take a picture of yourself or friends and family with your animal companion or the animal companion of someone who is serving overseas. Use the form below to post the photo to PETA’s Flickr page. For a little inspiration, have a look at everyone else’s pics. Taking your photo is easy:
1. Print the sign of your choice and then take a picture with your animal companion or the animal companion of someone who is deployed overseas with your digital camera or camera phone.
2. Upload your picture using the form below, or e-mail it to [email protected]. (By sending your photo to this e-mail address, you are agreeing to the terms of submission.)
Submit Your Photos
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