Urge English Montreal School Board to End Use of Glue Traps!

Despite being advised that glue traps cause prolonged suffering, the English Montreal School Board allegedly continues to deploy these vile devices throughout various schools in their district, apparently in response to the reported presence of rodents.

Glue traps are notoriously cruel, dangerous devices that cause animals to suffer immensely. They indiscriminately inflict terrifying deaths on any animals who get stuck in them. Trapped animals can take days to die of starvation, dehydration, shock, asphyxiation, or blood loss while they cry out in fear and agony. Animals rip off patches of fur or feathers and skin as they struggle to escape, and some even chew off their own limbs in an attempt to free themselves. Some victims’ noses, mouths, or beaks get stuck in the glue, suffocating them over the course of hours. Animals stuck on these traps continue to produce urine and feces, spreading dangerous pathogens, leaving people at increased exposure to disease.

Mice and rats are intelligent, highly social beings who will go to great lengths to help others in distress. Male mice woo their mates with high-pitched love songs. Infant rats giggle when they’re tickled. Rats even exhibit altruism, putting themselves in harm’s way rather than allowing someone else to suffer.

Photographs apparently taken recently at their schools.

PETA has repeatedly implored the schools to remove their traps, while advising them of humane alternatives. We have been met with silence and have just received confirmation that allegedly, additional traps have been set out. Please join us in urging members of the English Montreal School Board to immediately remove all glue traps from their properties, and to implement humane methods instead. Send polite comments to:

Mr. Nick Katalifos, General Director
[email protected]

Mr. Jack H. Chadirdjian, Assistant Director General
[email protected]

Ms. Nathalie Lauzière Secretary General
[email protected]

Ms. Pela Nickoletopoulos, Assistant Director General
[email protected]

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