Speak Up For Neglected German shepherd in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana!

UPDATE (February 18, 2025): This situation is being closely monitored, and this page will be updated when we have more information.

PETA has learned of a German shepherd reportedly penned without shelter on Old Henderson Drive in Breaux Bridge, LA. We reported this to the Sheriff’s Office, and with our urging, an officer asked the owner to provide shelter. The owner reportedly then enshrouded the pen with a tarp, which obviously cannot do a thing to conserve body heat. And now this dog is confined not only without the ability to move about freely, but he is unable to see anything, while being completely unprotected from the frigid air. Unimaginably, the officer has informed PETA caseworkers that this setup is sufficient to protect from the elements and that nothing more would be required. Your voice is now needed!

Picture taken before the structure was enshrouded with a tarp.

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