Urge Oreo Maker to End Cruel Experiments on Animals

PETA has uncovered that Mondelēz International, the maker of Oreo cookies and many other snack foods, has funded numerous cruel and irrelevant “nutritional science” experiments on animals, including force-feeding mice feces from obese women, chemicals, and a high-fat diet before killing them.

PETA is urging Mondelēz to end tests on animals and join our Eat Without Experiments program, which helps consumers identify companies that do or do not test on animals.

Join with PETA and urge Mondelēz to change its ways and end its cruel experiments on animals TODAY.

Urge Oreo maker to end horrific tests on animals:

Call Mondelēz International at 847-943-4000 and urge the company to ban animal testing:

Please post polite comments on Oreo’s social media pages urging the company to ban animal testing:

Please comment on Mondelēz International’s social media pages:

Tell Mondelēz International it’s time it banned animal testing by using the company’s contact form:

Order free stickers as a creative way to spread the animal rights message:

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