The Results Are In: Most U.S. Residents Want End to Crude Experiments on Animals

Published by Amanda Hays.
2 min read

PETA has been pulling back the curtain on the unscrupulous animal experimentation industry for decades, exposing the countless atrocities animals are forced to endure in cruel and deadly tests, shutting down labs, and spreading the message that sound science and kindness go hand in hand.

It’s working.

EU animal testing ban peta open letter

The key findings of two surveys—one by Morning Consult and the other by the Colorado State University Animal-Human Policy Center—reveal broad support for ending pointless animal experiments. Collectively, the two studies polled more than 4,000 U.S. residents on how they view using animals for experimentation. Here are some highlights:

  • About 61% of respondents to the Colorado State University survey were “very or extremely concerned” about using animals in experimentation.
  • Nearly 71% of those responding to the Colorado State University survey believe that government programs and policies are “very or extremely important” to reduce the suffering of animals used in experimentation.
  • According to the Morning Consult survey, the vast majority—80% to 85%—of U.S. residents think experiments on animals should be phased out and tax dollars spent on non-animal studies instead.
A cat named Double Trouble with devices implanted in her head

The studies also show that U.S. residents aren’t fooled by the experimentation industry when it comes to the dismal reality for animals suffering in laboratories. The Colorado State University survey found the following:

  • Only 10% of those surveyed think that animals used in U.S. experimentation facilities experience a good life.
  • Only 22.5% agree that the U.S. has strong laws that protect the welfare of animals used in experiments.

The public isn’t buying what experimenters are selling. Support is clearly strong for ending this pointless cruelty disguised as science, and PETA will continue to harness the country’s collective outrage to urge lawmakers, government agencies, universities, and private companies to adopt superior, animal-free research methods instead. But we need your help.

What You Can Do

It’s time for the National Institutes of Health to advance science and align with Americans’ growing commitment to animal welfare by banning experiments on animals. 

U.S. residents can take action by urging members of Congress to mandate that the National Institutes of Health stop throwing away taxpayer money on useless animal experiments and instead invest in modern, non-animal research methods:

Support Animal-Free Science
A person from the back working in a lab

And everyone can take action by urging the agency to stop funding pointless and deadly sepsis experiments on animals:

End Sepsis Tests
NIH sepsis protest led by costumed 'mouse' with a headline and protesters holding signs
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