Don’t Be Fooled by Tourist Traps—Help Animals Get to Accredited Sanctuaries

Everyone loves a good vacation or road trip, but sadly, some destinations are twisted tourist traps that dupe unwitting visitors with deceptive words like “sanctuary,” “foundation,” or “rescue.” Let’s be real: These places are exclusively in the business of exploiting animals for profit, while forcing them to languish in misery.

Zoological Wildlife Foundation

Tiger King villain Mario Tabraue and his business partner, Maria Tabraue, operate this seedy roadside zoo in Florida. Limbani, a chimpanzee who should be living as part of a large family group at an accredited chimpanzee sanctuary but is confined and used for “likes” on social media, bit a child in 2020. (Sound familiar? Or even more familiar?) When not treating him like a money making prop, Zoological Wildlife Foundation (ZWF) keeps Limbani in solitary confinement, a devastatingly neglectful way to treat a chimpanzee. Tell ZWF to make a plan to transfer the animals to reputable sanctuaries.

Oswald’s Bear Ranch

This Michigan attraction allows the public to handle bear cubs for photo ops. Breeders that supply cubs to Oswald’s tear them away from their mothers and ship them hundreds of miles, all to fill their pockets. Cubs have been observed pacing and crying out—signs of severe distress. At least six bears at the ranch have been slaughtered, one of them for being too “mean.” As if that weren’t horrific enough, 17 bear cubs 2 years old or under have died at Oswald’s unexpectedly. This must not go on! Urge Oswald’s to send all the animals there to reputable sanctuaries.

The Preserve

The Preserve is a rebranding of the vile Have Trunk Will Travel, an entertainment company in Texas that terrorizes elephants with bullhooks so they will do tricks for patrons. This abusive attraction has endorsed the use of electrical shock devices called “hot shots,” and trainers there have been caught on video ruthlessly beating elephants, including a baby.

Tell the perverse Preserve to send all the animals it imprisons to reputable sanctuaries.

Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Foundation

The California-based Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Foundation’s history is indefensible: It includes abuse, attacks, escapes, violations of state and federal law, and the persistent inability to meet even bare-minimum standards for animal care. Since 2005, it has acquired at least 61 baby wild animals from cruel breeders like “Joe Exotic” and Gregg Woody. Animals at Kirshner deteriorate physically and mentally in cramped, barren cages. A tiger cub named Shyra, born in 2023, and a lion cub named Lucie, born in 2017, were both found to be severely lame, unable to walk, and suffering from painful bone deformities and fractures after the facility failed to provide them with adequate nutrition and veterinary care. Please, urge Kirshner to transfer all the animals to reputable sanctuaries.

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